Bullsy95 Ver 1.64872 Hello! This file contains: -Hardware Requirments -Installation Guide -Distribution -How to Contact us Hardware Requirements -===========================- All you need in order to play bullsy95, is windows 95. Any computer capable of loading windows95,will play Bullsy95 just fine. Installation Guide -========================- Well,to install Bullsy95, all you have to do is copy all the files into a directory, and make a shortcut to Bullsy95.exe,or add it to your start menu.That's it.You're Ready To Play! Distribution -==================- you can distribute Bullsy95 Freely,But it Ain't a FreeWare! If you really like the program and wanna keep it, Please make a small donation to us. See the Program's Help file for more Info. Anyway,Do not change any of these files,when you Copy Bullsy: -Bullsy95.exe -Bullsy95.hlp -Bullsy95.cfg -Readme.txt -Readme.doc NOTE - the BUllsy95.cfg is optional.It's just the Configuration file.Please DO NOT CHANGE THAT FILE! if it's missing it will be created by the program on the first load. Please,If you copy the Program : Copy all of the Files mentioned above! How to Contact us -=======================- You can find WTC software,On the Net.Our Home Page: http://www.math.tau.ac.il/~mertero/Bullsy.html and you can find both Alon and me (Ron) on the following internet addresses: alonk@math.tau.ac.il mertero@math.tau.ac.il our SnailMail addresses: Mertens Ron:26 Menora St' Keinan Alon:8 Bezalel Yaffe St' Tel-Aviv,Israel Petah-Tikva,Israel Zip:69416 Zip:49403